Monday, September 10, 2007

The last two weeks part 1

I know I've been offline for a while - the hamster that powers my modem died and I felt a proper period of mourning should be observed before I fired the internet back up again. Have also been a little busy observing various traditions such as father's day, lying on my bed occasionally wondering why I have children and hunting through my cupboards for anything that vaguely resembles vodka. Yes, it's been one of those fortnights.
To start off, father's day this year was a cracker. The kids bought Tim a greenhouse and we spent some of the morning wrestling the bloody thing out of its packaging, which progressed to sitting on the back step with cups of coffee looking at it and trying to decipher the instructions on how to put it together (the kids by this stage had abandoned us but were shouting helpful advice from the trampoline) and then finally we left it in a great big pile in the backyard and trooped off to have brunch/lunch with my parents at a local park. It was a beautiful day - sunny, light breeze and there was enough room in the park for the 100s of people out HAVING A GOOD TIME WITH THEIR DAD (whether they wanted to or not). The park is quite nice too, but due to the drought they have had to drain all of the ponds so there were a number of fraught parents trying to ensure that instead of their kids falling in the pond and getting wet, that their kids didn't fall into a great, open pit and break their arms. It's what family time is all about, really. We ripped around, the kids ran themselves ragged and I found out a new fact - did you know that when a combination of apple juice and potato chips are sneezed into your hair by your 2 year old, it sets like concrete and takes quite some time to wash out? If you ever need to find something that will plaster your hair to your head and make sure it won't move, this is the combo for you. A little chunky and it looks like you have mutant head lice, but I can guarantee not a strand of hair will move.
Once I had de-chipped my hair, it was back to a normal week - school, work etc. Things were going fairly swimmingly until about Wednesday afternoon, when I got a phone call from the assistant principal at my children's school. Apparently, there had been an "incident" involving my middle son, another boy and some urine. Actual details of what led up to this "incident" are a little hazy, but it would seem that Cameron weed on the other boy "on purpose". The AP said he was a little "perplexed" by this behaviour and needed to know if this was something that had gone on at home!! I assured him that it wasn't, all the time wracking my brain to try and think of any incident that may have led to this behaviour - had my insistence on giving him veggies finally pushed him over the edge? Was it one too many screenings of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang? Is there a chapter in a parenting book I had skipped called "How to teach your children that weeing on other people is not nice"? In the end we all had to sit down and have a chat and the conclusion amongst the adults was that it was probably one of those "boy things" that got out of hand. That said, Cameron said sorry and I think everyone was ok. I was not reassured by my husband later that day, who told me that at that age, all boys do things like pee up the wall or out of the window, if the bathroom has one. I am now considering boarding up the windows in our bathrooms. It also bought back some wise words of advice from my - just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Or, in the immortal words of the great Australian movie "The Castle" - "get your hand off it, Daryl".

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