Friday, October 21, 2011

Mistress Pain, kettlebells and the TRX

So today was absolutely gorgeous here in Canberra. The weather has been outstanding - possibly because Her Majesty and His Royal Highness are in town and even Canberra spring knows when it is licked - so it has meant digging out the sunscreen and water bottle. Found the sunscreen after rummaging around under the sink for 10 minutes. The top had that lovely "crust" that sunscreen bottles get after you haven't used them for a while, but I dealt with this by pointing the nozzle down the sink and applying some pressure. My fingers are stronger than I remember, as the crusty plug shot out of the bottle with some force, bounced off the plug hole and lodged in the window flyscreen. Great look.

Today's session with Mistress Pain hot, sunny and possibly has broken my arse. No kettlebells today (which shocked me. It is one of her favourite torture devices) but lots of step ups, TRX squats and a cardio routine she calls "Malcolm". Not sure why it is called that, as Malcolm is a fairly innocuous sounding name. The exercise is nothing near innocuous. Basically you do a burpee, run 10m, do another burpee, run another 10m, another burpee and then run back to the start line and it goes all over again. For 6 minutes at a time. I was very glad I hadn't had a big lunch, as it would have been putting in a high velocity and possibly chunky reappearance. For a "break" we would do TRX squats. fun. Love you, love your work, mistress pain.

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