Thursday, July 3, 2008

Growing older but not up

Well, I am well and truly jumping around in the puddles marked "prelude to middle age" this week. I have gone to bed before 10pm 3 nights this week, am really hoping that the ads the company whose moisturiser I buy is telling the truth and my "baby girl" turned 10. I am wondering if the next logical step is to stock up on hair dye to cover the greys that will more than likely start breaking out all over my head or if I should invest in some shares in a botox company. I also know I'm getting oldish when I saw the photos my cousin took when she went to the Glastonbury festival over in England and all I could think about was that she was going to have a devil of a time getting the mud out of her clothes. Funny thing is, I don't FEEL middle aged (I mean in a sense of being - I don't run my hands over middle aged people all that often, so what they physically feel like is a mystery to me) - do middle aged people still say "fuck" regularly, listen to AC DC and find perverse joy in watching the younger people in their office squirm when you "accidentally" sing along with your playlist of 80s hits loudly on your ipod?

Funny thing it, I am not too freaked out with the whole getting older thing - as I pointed out to a girlfriend of mine when she was moaning about how old I must be feeling on Grace's birthday(with a friend like that, who needs an enema? And no, that isn't a typo) - getting older is better than the alternative. Also, it doesn't matter how old you get in terms of years, you always have the choice of remaining immature for as long as you want. In my mind, don't fight it - once you are over the age of about 25, immaturity is something that should be seen as a skill to be honed so it is available anytime you need it. After all, it takes real talent to be able to snigger at the leaflet that comes in the box with your multivitamins that has been literally been translated from Chinese into English - did you know that with one particular brand , taking it daily "will allow you to get up yourself first thing in the morning".


Karene said...

Now is the time to start thinking about the 'H' word Em.... Hormones (not yours...Graces)

Animosiman said...

I too have embraced immaturity, however I rarely put it back in its place once I have let it out. Poo poo. Sorry, there it is again.

BTW (hows that for living in the now) in case you haven't heard, I am leaving the AWM.