Thursday, January 31, 2008

That's a nice hat

In my effort to show that I am not just a participant in resoultion day , I have continued in my training at the gym and walking up Mt Ainslie 3 times a week. Today was one of those days, however, where I think it was lucky I made it out of the changeroom. I am running on a severe lack of sleep at the moment, so by the middle of the day I am finding myself a bit tired and concentration is not what it could be. After attending a fun session on "what is metadata and why is it so fab" (I don't think that was the official title of the course, but it sums it up pretty well), I toddled downstairs to get changed. My wonderful husband, Tim, always makes sure I have a cap of some kind packed in my gym bag so I don't get my nose sunburned - it is black and has a breast cancer ribbon on the front of it. Today I got changed and was about to head out the door when I realised I didn't ave my cap. I unzipped my bag, grabbed the black, round object inside and whacked it on my head. Just then one of the other women at work came in the door and stopped dead, giving me a really weird look. When I glanced in the mirror, I realised I had placed my carefully folded black BRA on my head. Oh god. There is just NO recovery from a situation like this, so I just kept on trucking out through the door and removed it on the way (bra, not the door). Adds new meaning to having boobies on the brain. Sigh. Surely Cathy Freeman never had to deal with this sort of crap.

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