"put down your weapons and prepare to be judged!!"
Those words rang out from old Sly Stalloe's lips when he played the comic character Judge Dredd in a rather cheesy film of the same name. Possibly he is the only one who was authorised to do this without any input from anyone else.
What relevance does this have in this post? Glad you asked!
I have signed back up for the 12 week body transformation program, run by the trainer Michelle Bridges. This is my second "round" and I was hesitant to sign up for a few reasons. The main one was a fear of being judged (or being judgemental of others) by other participants on the forums. It happened last time and was unpleasant. Even more unpleasant was watching obviously vulnerable people being judged by others online. Online Forums can be a harsh place. Do people need to stop making excuses and accept responsibility for their weight and eating habits? Yep. Does everyone repond well to a kick up the arse, delivered online? Nope. You can come away feeling miserable, bullied and judged. Or you can come away motivated. How does the person delivering this kick know it's the right way to go? They don't. And what is worse it can be catching. You could find yourself reading something, as I did, and agreeing. I am in no better position to judge someone than any other forum member. Doesn't leave you feeling good.
Am I anti 12wbt? Not at all. It's a great program that is really working for me. What I don't like is the judgement I sometimes see being passed. Not just on the forums but also in environments like FB and even around a tea table at work. Am I a judgemental person? Yep. I just try to keep it to myself. I'm not an expert in anything, despite how I like to appear. So I think people should at least think before they judge or pass comment.
And tomorrow I will end world poverty. Or not. But it would be nice.